
  • Brandsch R, Pemberton M, Schuster D, Welle F. "Impact of Partitioning in Short-Term Food Contact Applications Focused on Polymers in Support of Migration Modelling and Exposure Risk Assessment". Molecules.;27(1):121. (2021) doi: 10.3390/molecules27010121. PMID: 35011358; PMCID: PMC8746823.
  • Rainer Brandsch, Dieter Schuster. "Repeated Use Food Contact Materials: A Categorisation Approach In Support of Risk Assessment." Food additives & contaminants, v. 37, .12 pp. 2184-2203. (2020) doi: 10.1080/19440049.2020.1798512
  • Brandsch, R. "Probabilistic migration modelling focused on functional barrier efficiency and low migration concepts in support of risk assessment", Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 34:10, 1743-1766; (2017); DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2017.1339235
  • Hoekstra, E., J. (Ed.), Brandsch, R., Dequatre, C.; Mercea, P.; Milana, M-R.; Störmer, A.; Trier, X.; Vitrac; O.; Schäfer, A.; Simoneau, C.; "Practical guidelines on the application of migration modelling for the estimation of specific migration."; EUR 27529 EN (2015)
  • Franz, R.; Brandsch, R.; "Migration of acrylic monomers from methacrylate polymers – establishing parameters for migration modelling."; Packaging Technology and Science 26 (8), 435-451
  • Poças, M. F.; Oliveira, C. J.; Brandsch, R.; Hogg T.; "Analysis of mathematical models to describe the migration of additives from packaging plastics to foods."; Journal of Food Process Engineering (2011)
  • Poças, M. F.; Oliveira, C. J.; Pereira R. J.; Brandsch, R.; Hogg T. "Modelling migration from paper into a food simulant."; Food Control (2011), Volume 22(2), 303-312
  • Simoneau, C. (Ed.) "Applicability of generally recognised diffusion models for the estimation of specific migration in support of EU Directive 2002/72/EC"; EUR 24514 EN (2010)
  • Poças, M. F.; Oliveira, C. J.; Brandsch, R.; Hogg T. "Feasibility Study on the Use of Probabilistic Migration Modeling in Support of Exposure Assessment from Food Contact Materials."; Risk Analysis (2010), Volume 30(7), 1052–1061,
  • Roduit, B.; Brandsch R.; Folly P.; Sarbach A.; Berger B.; Vogelsanger B.; Ossola B.; Jeunieau L.; Guillaume P. "Simulation of deterrent diffusion in double base propellant under different temperature profiles."; 41st International Annual Conference of ICT June 29-July 2, 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Treleano, A.; Wolz, G.; Brandsch, R.; Welle, F. "Investigation into the sorption of nitroglycerin and diazepam into PVC tubes and alternative tube materials during application."; International Journal of Pharmaceutics, (2009), Volume 369(1-2), 30-37
  • Ozaki, A.; Gruner, A.; Störmer, A.; Brandsch, R.; Franz, R. "Correlation between Partition Coefficients Polymer/Food Simulant, K (P, F,) and Octanol/Water LogP(OW) - a new Approach in support of Migration Modeling and Compliance Testing"; Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau (2010), 106(1), 203ff
  • Brandsch, R.; Onusseit, H. "Lebensmittelrechtliche Bewertung von Klebstoffen für Verpackungsanwendungen."; Adhäsion, (2007), 9, 26-31
  • Renner, P.; Schuster, R.; Brandsch, R.; Piringer, O. "Untersuchungen zur Migration von Organozinnverbindungen an Trinkwasserleitungen aus nachchloriertem Polyvinylchlorid (PVC-C)."; UBA-Texte,, to be published
  • Brandsch, R.; Gruner, A.; Palzer, G.; Piringer, O.; Franz, R. "Migrationsuntersuchungen zur Prüfung und Bewertung von Stoffübergängen aus flexiblen Mehrschichtkunststoffverpackungen in Lebensmittel."; Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau (2005), 101(12), 549ff
  • Stoffers, N. H.; Brandsch, R.; Bradley, E. L.; Cooper, I.; Dekker, M.; Stoermer, A.; Franz, R. "Feasibility study for the development of certified reference materials for specific migration testing. Part 2: Estimation of diffusion parameters and comparison of experimental and predicted data."; Food Additives & Contaminants (2005), 22(2), 173-184
  • Stoffers, N. H.; Stoermer, A.; Bradley, E. L.; Brandsch, R.; Cooper, I.; Linssen, J. P. H.; Franz, R. "Feasibility study for the development of certified reference materials for specific migration testing. Part 1: Initial migrant concentration and specific migration."; Food Additives & Contaminants (2004), 21(12), 1203-1216
  • Palibroda, N.; Brandsch, J.; Piringer, O.; Brandsch, R. "Direct analysis of some diamines in food simulants used for migration tests by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry."; Journal of mass spectrometry, (2004), 39(12), 1484-1487, 22 refs.
  • Brandsch, J.; Brandsch, R.; Mercea, P.; Piringer, O. "Analysis and modelling of molecular mass transfer from plastic materials into environmental systems"; Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Physica, Special Issue, 2003
  • Baunemann, R.; Brandsch, J.; Brandsch, R.; Mercea, P.; Piringer, O. "Migration models for evaluating plastic products."; Kunststoffe (2003), 93(7), 22-25
  • Baner, A. L.; Brandsch, R.; Piringer, O. "Foods, 4. Food Packaging, 8. Interaction between Packaging and Food"; Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, 2002